File Information


You can display the dialog by selecting File>File Information or clicking Alt+Enter.


The following information is displayed:


File Information


This panel displays general information on the file such as its location, DB status, file size, type, etc.


File Attributes


These are the system attributes that are assigned to the file (generally by Windows).  You will not normally need to change these.




If the file is referenced by your database the keywords for the file will be displayed.  You can add or remove keywords by clicking within the keywords box.  If the file is not yet in your database you can add it by clicking this box and confirming the action.


File Description


A space is provided for specifying a description for the file.  File descriptions can also be viewed by hovering the mouse over the file in the main window.  You can search for files with specific text in the description field in Database mode.




The Ratings setting allows you to rank your files (you can also use the ratings toolbar).  In Full File Details mode you can display a ratings column use Thumbnails>View Columns>Rating.  You can sort by Ratings using Thumbnails>Sorting>Sort by Rating.  You can also filter by the Rating when in Database mode.


Digital Camera Fields


If the image has been retrieved from a digital camera then its embedded (EXIF) data will be displayed (information such as the date the photo was taken and settings of the camera).


IPTC Fields


IPTC fields are data fields that can be stored within JPEG and TIFF images. They are most commonly used by PhotoShop. You can specify your own data here and it will be saved within the image.


Music Fields


If you have selected an MP3 or WMA sound file then it may contain music fields. You can view and edit the fields.

Custom Fields


The custom fields page allows you to add extra fields to your database which can be searched in database mode. Click "Add" to specify a new field (which will be available to all files in the database). Then click in the right column beside the new field to change the text.





